Category: Face

Your Neck Might Be Aging Faster Than Your Face: Here’s Why

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It’s not just you–for many people, the skin on the neck seems to age more quickly than the face. In this post, Asheville plastic surgeon Dr. Donald Conway explains why you may see signs of aging on your neck before you see them on your face, and shares several effective treatment options—both surgical and non-surgical—to help you restore a more youthful neck appearance. Why does the neck seem to age […]

Will people be able to tell I had an eyelid lift?

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A common concern for those considering eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is whether or not it will be obvious that they’ve had a cosmetic procedure. The success and discreteness of your surgery depends largely on your choice of surgeon. At our Asheville plastic surgery practice, Dr. Donald Conway is highly sought after for results that subtly enhance your appearance rather than drastically change it. Here, he explains more about eyelid surgery and […]

Top 5 Facial Rejuvenation Procedures to Get in Your 60s

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If you’re in your 60s, you are likely seeing signs of aging in your face. Deep lines, sagging skin, and drooping eyelids can make you feel self-conscious and appear older than you feel and it is natural to wonder what you might be able to do to address them.  This post covers five cosmetic procedures that are proven to dial back the facial aging clock and restore a more youthful, […]

Can I become immune to Botox?

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With its ability to effortlessly smooth away expression-based wrinkles and fine lines in just a matter of days, it’s no wonder Botox® is consistently the most-used cosmetic injectable treatment. But, since its development in 1989, Botox users have wondered if it’s possible to become immune to its effects over time. In this month’s post, we answer your top questions about Botox resistance. What is Botox resistance? Botox resistance is a […]

Is Upper Blepharoplasty Worth It? Dr. Conway Answers Your Eyelid Surgery Questions

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If you are considering an eyelid lift, you likely are wondering what kind of results the procedure can offer you, and if undergoing a surgical procedure will be worth having a more refreshed eye appearance. You are wise to do your research, and, with the right plastic surgeon, will find that this procedure is one that offers a relatively easy recovery with very impressive results. Below, Dr. Donald Conway answers […]

5 Ways to Tighten Your Neck Skin & Keep It Taut

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Too often we focus our skincare routine on our face and forget about our neck (sound familiar?). However, because skin is thinner and muscles are weaker in the neck, this area is actually more vulnerable to skin aging. Various factors, such as sun exposure, may be responsible for causing your neck skin to age prematurely. But don’t panic—here are 5 actions you can take to help keep your neck skin […]

How Can I Get the Most Natural Facelift Results? Dr. Conway Answers Your Top 6 Questions

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Facelifts are among the most popular plastic surgery procedures, but not every surgeon knows how to deliver natural-looking results. There are also misconceptions regarding what a facelift procedure actually includes, and the answer may surprise you. Asheville-based plastic surgeon Dr. Conway is here to help with answers to your top six facelift questions. 1. What does a facelift procedure actually include? The word “facelift” is popularly used as a catch-all […]

Combining Eyelid Surgery and Non-Surgical Treatments for Optimal Results

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Eyelid surgery is on the rise: according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, it was the third-most-performed cosmetic surgery in 2019. And while this surgery alone can help patients look significantly younger, refreshed, and more alert, its results can be further enhanced (and extended) by non-surgical treatments such as Botox, injectable fillers, laser skin treatments, and chemical peels. What are my eyelid surgery options? Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, as […]

Brow Lift or BOTOX? Understanding Your Options for Rejuvenating the Upper Face

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No matter how much joie de vivre you possess, a furrowed brow and drooping eyelids can make you appear tired, unhappy, angry, or simply give you a worn-out look. Since the eyelids and brow are closely related, both areas are often simultaneously affected as skin laxity sets in and tissues in the upper face begin to droop downward. Fortunately, both surgical and non-surgical techniques can be used to help turn […]

Can BOTOX Treat Depression? A New Study Suggests Yes

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We call injectable botulinum neurotoxin “BOTOX,” just like we call tissues “Kleenex.” But there are a variety of botulinum neurotoxin formulas that are used to treat wrinkles, chronic headaches, and excessive sweating, among other conditions. And we have new reason to believe this family of injectable neurotoxins may have antidepressant effects. Here in our Asheville plastic surgery office, I offer patients both BOTOX® and Dysport®—onabotulinumtoxinA and abobotulinumtoxinA, respectively. When injected, […]