Want Beautiful Skin? Revisit the Basics, Starting With Learning How to Properly Wash Your Face


It’s fair to say most people who care about their skin’s appearance understand the importance of daily cleansing and skincare, but according to Self, many of us use outdated habits and could improve even the simplest aspects of our routines.

Here are a few areas where Self wants to challenge your assumptions, plus ideas for how to master the basics.

Wash your face before bed and again in the morning

How many times did your mother tell you to wash your face before bed? It’s one of the easiest pieces of advice to follow that will help keep your skin healthy, though we know it can be tempting to simply crawl into bed after a busy day. If you wear makeup, this is doubly important, though a nightly cleanse is something everyone can benefit from regardless of their habits. Every day your skin is exposed to the world, and it can absorb any number of toxins and bacteria that cause inflammation. Why take that to bed with you?

Washing your face in the morning is just as important. Even if you wash your face each night, you’ll likely have picked up bacteria from your pillowcase or touching your skin, which you don’t want lurking under your makeup or SPF all day long. An AM rinse will also help your skin better absorb any skincare products you apply, enhancing the efficacy of your favorite moisturizer or face serum. Plus, it’ll help you wake up and get ready to take on the day.

But, before you adopt twice-a-day cleansing, read on for more tips.

Towels, temperature, and cleansing products all matter

Unfortunately, the simple act of washing your skin every day doesn’t guarantee good results—you need to pay attention to a few more details:

  • Make sure you’re not washing your face with water that’s too hot
  • Avoid cross-contaminating your skin by using a non-dedicated face towel (don’t use the same one that you dry off with after a shower).
  • If you’re worried about drying your skin from two washes a day, know that there are many gentle cream cleansers on the market. They feel wonderful and refresh your skin without drying.
  • If you struggle with acne, patchy skin, or find your skin irritated, you may need a pH balanced or other specialized product.

Whatever skin challenges you have, you’ll save yourself time, money and trouble by skipping the drug store aisle (and avoiding celebrity skincare recommendations). Instead make an appointment with a skin care professional and ask them to prescribe a cleanser.

Our advice: Don’t underestimate the power of expert guidance

Self offers some fantastic advice in their article, but skincare is not one-size-fits-all—and it’s important to understand the unique needs of your skin. Celebs with envy-inducing skin are working with pros, getting medical skin treatments as necessary, and using personalized medical-grade skincare products for their daily routines. The good news is you can do the same right here in Asheville, without breaking the bank.

Dr. Conway and his team would love to help you improve your skin concerns and encourage you to contact us today to schedule a skin evaluation and consultation. We offer a number of Asheville skin treatments and can make expert product recommendations so you can enjoy beautiful, healthy skin all year round.

Call Dr. Conway today for your personal consultation 828.210.9333

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